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El debate público constituye una dimensión fundamental de toda sociedad democrática. En el mundo del siglo XXI, todos los actores sociales participan cada vez más activamente de la construcción y conducción de sus comunidades. Para ello requieren, cada día más, de herramientas de argumentación, oratoria y liderazgo. Los debates abiertos son el medio indispensable y vital para confrontar distintas perspectivas y clarificar caminos: en la discusión respetuosa e informada el que pierde gana, porque se lleva la razón del otro. Todas nuestras actividades se encuentran orientadas a la generación de espacios de diálogo y la respetuosa discusión de ideas, así como también al impulso de los valores republicanos dentro de un marco de apertura hacia otras cosmovisiones y culturas. Es por ello que la Asociación de Debate Argentina se enorgullece de sus 19 años trabajando en la República Argentina
“promoviendo el entendimiento, a través del diálogo público”.
Nuestros Comienzos y Compromiso

Fundada en 1996 como ASDF, la Asociación de Debate Argentina (A.D.A.) es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro con personería jurídica, cuyo objeto radica en la educación de jóvenes y adultos en la oratoria y la argumentación constructiva mediante la participación actividades de debate en Argentina y en el exterior. Asimismo, la A.D.A. es miembro permanente del World Council y del Pan- American Council, siendo en consecuencia la representante oficial de la República Argentina en los torneos internacionales de debate parlamentario.

A.D.A members chosen for WSDC Tournament Executive Committee and Complaints Committee.

During the last edition of the World Schools' Debating Championship, which took place in July in Stuttgart, Germany, the Tournament Council held elections and appointed officials for the coming year.


It is with great pride and pleasure that we announce that a member our delegation was chosen by a majority vote. Our Chief Adjudicator, Ms. Delfina Vildósola, has been appointed officer of the World Schools' Debating Championships Tournament Executive Committee! Congratulations!

In this manner A.D.A. continues to represent Argentina and the Americas within the global debating community. During the 2015 edition of the World Schools' Debating Championship, which took place in July 2015 in Singapore, two members our delegation were chosen as WSDC officers.

Our Vice-President, Ms. Cristina Massa, had been appointed officer of the World Schools' Debating Championships Complaints Committee. 

Our Head Coach, Mr. Ignacio C. Furfaro, had been appointed officer of the World Schools' Debating Championships Tournament Executive Committee.

A.D.A. Head Coach appointed Co-Chief Adjudicator of the Pan-American Debating Championship 2016.

It is with great pride and pleasure that we announce that the Head Coach of the Argentine Debating Association, Mr. Ignacio C. Furfaro, has been appointed as co-Chief Adjudicator of the Pan American Debating Championship 2016, to be held in Vancouver, Canada! We are extremely happy for this recognition to the role of Argentina in the promotion of debate across the Americas.

A.D.A chosen for vice-presidency of the Pan-American Debating Organisation.


In recognition of A.D.A's extensive experience in debating and its invaluable support to debate in the region for almost 20 years, the association has been chosen by a majority vote to exercise the Vice-Presidency of the Pan-American Debating Organisation, as recognition of the importance of Argentina for debate across the Americas.


Pan American Debate Organisation, new Executive Committee:
President: Tracey Lee, Canada, Canadian Student Debating Federation;
Vice President: Cristina Massa, Argentina, Argentine Debating Association;
Secretary: Gladstone Thompson, Bermuda, Bermuda Debate Society.


For more information on the Pan-American Debating Organisation please visit 

A.D.A. Blog!


Visit our blog to stay up to date with all of our latest activities.


Visita nuestro blog para estar informado de todas nuestras actividades.

Novedades de A.D.A en 2016

The Pan-American Debating Championship returns to Argentina in 2017!

With great pride and pleasure the Argentine Debating Association informs that, after a long bidding process, it has been confirmed that the Pan-American Debating Championship 2017 (English, French and Spanish tournaments) will take place in February in Argentina!


Con gran placer y orgullo la Asociación de Debate Argentina informa que, luego de un largo proceso de adjudicación, el Campeonato Panamericano de Debate 2017 (Torneos en Castellano, Francés e Inglés) se llevará a cabo en Febrero en Argentina!


Avec grande fierté et plaisir, l'Association de Débat Argentine informe que, après une longue procédure de sélection, il a été confirmé que le Championnat Panaméricain du Débat 2017 (tournois en anglais, espagnol et français) aura lieu en Février en Argentine!

¡A.D.A. 2016: 20 AÑOS! ~ A.D.A. 2016: 20 YEARS!


Querido amigos,


¡Bienvenidos a otro año de debate! 2016 va a ser un año para recordar. Por 20 AÑOS hemos conducido actividades en Argentina; participando en el World Schools' Debating Championship y el Campeonato Panamericano de Debate; conduciendo seminarios de entrenamiento con expertos de diferentes partes del mundo. es por eso que estamos orgullosos de dar inicio oficialmente a un nuevo año con grandes noticias y actividades!




Dear Debating Friends,


Welcome back to another debating year! 2016 is going to be a year to remember! For 20 YEARS we have been conducting activities in Argentina; participating in the World Schools’ Debating Championships and the Pan-American Debating Championship; and conducting training seminars with experts from different parts of the world. That is why we are very pleased to officially kick off a new year with lots of exciting news and activities!

Team Argentina at the World Schools' Debating Championship 2016!


We would like to deeply congratulate all of the Argentine students that represented our country at the World Schools' Debating Championship 2016, held in Stuttgart, Germany from July 19th through July 28th, 2016. Our students debated against teams from Pakistan, Taiwan, Kuwait, South Africa, Qatar, Wales, Germany and Turkey. Congratulations to all of them!

Dear Debating Friends, 


Happy 2015! We hope that you have started this New Year full of peace and joy, and we wish you a bountiful year, bursting with happiness and success!

We would like to deeply congratulate all of the Argentine students from Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata that represented our country at the Pan-American Debating Championship 2015, which took place in the city of Los Angeles, United States of America, from January 5, through January 12, 2015.    


We are pleased to announce that, this year, Argentina reached the Semi-Finals of the Pan-American Debating Championship, and several of our speakers were awarded on their outstanding results! We are very proud of the excellent performance of our National Debate Team!

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that the Argentine Debating Association has been chosen by a majority vote to exercise the Vice-Presidency of the Pan-American Debating Association! This is an unprecedented achievement that recognizes the vital importance that Argentina has in the field of debating across the Americas.


Looking forward to seeing you all this year.


Kind regards,


A.D.A. Executive Committee

Las principales actividades de A.D.A. en 2014.

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